You won't want to
hide this board!
The board Vlajka will be part
of your home as a work of art.

Vlajka is not
"just" a board.
It's a solid piece of wood that can handle preparing vegetables and serving steaks. Its workmanship may resemble the Czech flag, but the opposing cut-outs have a practical side - it helps the user to gather the chopped vegetables into the container precisely, without having to pick up the fallen pieces around. Thanks to the cut-out, you can also lift the cutting board very easily.
Easy to handle
Vlajka has bevelled side edges for better handling. The flag can be easily lifted from the work surface. Vlajka is not just a design, but above all a completely functional thing for the kitchen. Thanks to the opposing cutouts, you can also lift the cutting board very easily.

Vlajka will make
any avid cook, who doesn't like
bland things happy.
The world's best cutting board
Behind the design of the Flag and our other products is the renowned Czech designer Petr Novague. "A quality product is the foundation and the centre of any company that is serious about its work. The product is the design and the design is the product." (Petr Novague) The flag is an international success. It already boasts five world design awards, including the prestigious Red Dot Design Award. "This visually appealing cutting board combines quality woodworking with a surface that evokes the pleasure of touch," the Red Dot Design Award jury. We don't know of a cutting board for the kitchen that has won so many international design awards.

Atmosphere in Brdy.
We are a purely Czech company that does not let the unmistakable atmosphere of the Brda Mountains get to us. All production of our products takes place here. The process from design to production always takes us many months. We don't want to compromise and insist on every detail that makes sense to us and we look for a way to make the production manageable. We always succeed!
One Flag passes through our hands up to 30 times during final hand finishing.
We literally imprint ourselves into every product. The surface treatment of the product with strictly defined technological procedures ensures the long-term functionality of the product. We are not exaggerating when we say that with proper care, they will last you a lifetime. We choose our materials carefully, which in practice means that only 15% of the best quality raw material from the entire tree trunk can be used directly for our products. For oiling we use oils intended for contact with foodstuffs. We offer a superior 5-year warranty on our products.

Finally, something about the packaging?
We use solar energy in our workshop, but that's just the beginning. To make sure our products are delivered to you in all their glory, we use recycled paper for gift wrapping and the box we ship our products in is made in a sheltered workshop. We believe that just a quality product is not enough and you need to go further.

We offer two sizes and two materials
Size L is appreciated by seasoned cooks and large families. Size M is ideal for smaller families or singles.
The material is a matter of your taste and the style of the interior where the Flag will reign supreme.
35 × 25 × 3 cm
40 × 25 × 3 cm
American walnut